Showing posts with label archetype. Show all posts
Showing posts with label archetype. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

                                                          New Work 2022.

                               "Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Icon. Procreate and I Pad pro.

                                "Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

A recent art exhibition at Grafica.

                                                          One of my satisfied buyers.

                             "Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Wind power

Procreate/IPad digital drawing 2021 ©

                             "Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Hidden knowledge.

The dragon is a symbol of evil, in both the chivalric and Christian traditions. In the Orient, it symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, strength, and hidden knowledge. In most traditions, it is the embodiment of chaos and untamed nature.

                                "Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Don't count your chickens.

"People who count their chickens before they are hatched act very wisely because chickens run about so absurdly that it is impossible to count them accurately."

- Oscar Wilde.

                               "Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Head with steel worm.

The (Gun) Worm that Turns

Soldiers once used “gun worms,” metal claws mounted to the end of wooden ramrods, to clear bullets and wadding from the barrels of muskets that had failed to fire. The curled tip inspired the winding shape of a corkscrew, once known as a steel worm.

                                 "Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

During one of my treks through Afghanistan, we lost our corkscrew.

We were compelled to live on food and water for several days.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Bee symbolism.

Bees are the connectors between the spiritual and material realms. ... The fertilization of flowers requires the work of pollinators, which is the role that many types of bees fill. Because of this, in many contexts, bees can spiritually represent fertility, birth, growth, new beginnings, and new life.

"Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Geometric/Organic tile.

Acrylic tile. 4" X 4" canvas boards and Posca Pens

What is geometric and organic design?
ORGANIC: shapes, often curvilinear in appearance, that are similar to those found in nature, such as plants, animals, and rocks. GEOMETRIC: any shapes and based on math principles, such as a square, circle, and triangle.

        POSCA 8-Color Paint Marker Set, PC-5M Medium

                          "Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

From the expanse of space to the microscopic view of structures.

The primary influence on my work is the natural world, from the expanse of space to the microscopic view of structures.  I am not interested in reproducing what I see. Instead I am seeking a way to go beyond the world  of nature and into the place between what we can see and what we cannot.

My interest, at either end of this spectrum of this reality, continues to feed my imagination.

"Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The desire for repetition and order, forms an inherent part of my psyche. My recent work considers the creative application of repetitive processes, motifs and meticulous order.  I am exploring and trying to  understand why I am drawn to repeated, ritualized actions and to motifs which have become increasingly more obsessive. 

“The creative habit is like a drug. The particular obsession changes, but the excitement, the thrill of your creation lasts.”(Henry Moore)

"Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Dans l'air fermée...and innocent parody.

Plein air painting seems to be the “ art du jour”.  Plein air is a term derived from the French phrase en plein air, which literally means 'in the open air'. It's a familiar concept today, but in the late 1800s when the impressionists ventured out of their studios into nature to investigate and capture the effects of sunlight and different times of days on a subject, it was quite revolutionary. However, it is not quite so revolutionary today. 

My art is called “studio art” which is art produce in a studio setting. Studio art is not revolutionary today and it is a quaint reminder of an artist in his cluttered studio, lined with plaster busts and manikin models to help him in his academic studies. 

I decided to describe my work as Dans l'air fermée. Dans l'air fermée is a French expression which means "in the closed air" and it is used to describe the act of painting/ drawing indoors. which is also called La peinture avec l'esprit ("painting with the mind” or what the minds’s eye actually sees”) This type of art, generally does not require a classical studio, photographs, copy devises etc. All you need is a computer, a few sharpies and the desire to draw objects, symbols and images from the subconscious mind. 

"Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Earth poem

The Isom Asemic Code Cipher is a cryptogram code system. This form of cipher embodies geometric and organic shapes. Because it use basic shapes it is an economical and effective method of transmitting confidential information. These devices were often employed by the ancients or by the Medieval philosophers and alchemists. The mystics of the Middle Ages used a system of cryptography which concealed the secrets of the human soul. The Isom Asemic Code Cipher can only be decoded by individuals versed in the deep philosophic principles upon which many mystics based their theories of life. Much information relating to the invisible nature of man is hidden under what seems to be mere scribbles and unrecognizable organic shapes. Every student of symbolism and philosophy should be acquainted with the underlying principles of cryptography. This art furnishes a fascinating method of developing an acute mental awareness. Discrimination and observation are indispensable to the person seeking knowledge, and no study is equal to cryptography as a means of invigorating these powers

"Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.


Today’s Hand Mind Internet Vocabulary:  Atemporality 

“The concept of internet-induced "atemporality" was coined by science fiction writer William Gibson, author of the cyber/adventure novel Neuromancer. Gibson reasoned that the internet made time disappear in a way, since all periods of history (or art history) are immediately available to anyone cruising the web.”

"Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Still life just like real life

           Painting is from the Governor French Academy permanent collection circa 1970.

           Acrylic, ink collage. 4' X 4' on paperboard.

                         "Things hidden in my head" Copyright 2013 © Ronald D. Isom, Sr.